This Time Last Year...
It's really insane to me that this time last year, I was just meeting the team of individuals I'd get to spend 6 weeks with in Fiji. We were complete strangers (outside of an awkward Google hangout...) about to embark on one of the most life changing experiences for all of us! I say this without hesitation: those people will always hold a special place in my heart, I know they will always be there no matter what, and they are without a doubt a gift and blessing from our Lord!
As I sit here and reflect on that trip, I can't help but be overwhelmed with what all my Father taught me in such a short time.
My prayers are with the team that is preparing to head over to Fiji this week. I know without a doubt they will be challenged, exhausted, bitten by lots of mosquitos, encouraged in their faith, loved and mentored by an amazing family, and see the Lord revealed to them in new ways. Although I've never met them, I can't wait to hear what this summer does in their lives when we see each other in Heaven one day :)
As I sit here and reflect on that trip, I can't help but be overwhelmed with what all my Father taught me in such a short time.
See what I mean about beauty in community!? |
I learned to kill spiders on my own (besides cane spiders...I'll leave those to my Fiji Dad Ray...).
I learned how to tell if a papaya was ready, or if it needed just one more week of sunshine.
I learned to seriously love #Fijitime, and Cassava.
I learned planning kids clubs was more productive when they were actually well planned...
I learned standing water leads to mosquitos, which leads to dengue fever.
I learned to love the person in front of me instead of being anxious about what else I had to do.
I learned community living can be hard - but oh, so beautiful.
I learned diversity brings God so much glory.
I learned it's ok to ask for help and admit you have no idea what to do.
I learned helping people isn't about building new buildings, or schools, or wells, or handing out food, etc.
I learned God's plan is so much bigger than any of us could ever imagine.
I learned spending time with the Lord is the most important evangelical outreach and mission any of us can ever do.
I learned relying on the Lord completely, in every single area of my life, was the most amazing thing ever.
I learned family is much, much more than just what's in our blood - it's Christ's blood that makes us family.
I learned the things in this present world are nothing compared to what will be revealed to us when He returns.
I learned missions is exactly what my Father created my soul for when He knit me so perfectly together in my mother's womb.
My prayers are with the team that is preparing to head over to Fiji this week. I know without a doubt they will be challenged, exhausted, bitten by lots of mosquitos, encouraged in their faith, loved and mentored by an amazing family, and see the Lord revealed to them in new ways. Although I've never met them, I can't wait to hear what this summer does in their lives when we see each other in Heaven one day :)
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