Jehova Jireh

The Lord has so many different names throughout the Old and New Testament:

Elohim, Master, Father, 
Lord of Lords, Yahweh, 
Prince of Peace, Rock, 
Savior, Mighty One, Deliverer.

All of these names express an attribute of God, and they have all proved true in my life.  Recently, the  one that has been most noticeable has been that of Provider.  I know He is and always will be my provider.  However, a lot has happened over the past two weeks that just helps me see this even more.

I had an amazing week down in Orlando.  God used all of the other missionaries and friends there to encourage my heart tremendously.  I feel like I had gotten complacent at work and with my life here - I could just push this trip off another month or so.  I knew I was going, but the date didn't seem important anymore. 

Until I was surrounded by others whom God has placed a similar call on their lives.  

They were having the same struggles I was.  They were in the middle of raising funds, not knowing if their goal would be reached.  They were having to say goodbye to friends and family.  Many had left behind their careers in the workplace already.  

And they all were just as clueless about specifics on what their new life would bring....Yet we all were steadfast in the promise that God has given us - "Ask Me, and I will give you the Nations."

With that encouragement and reminder, I was ready to take this leap of faith, fully surrendering to what God has made my soul for.  I was ready to remove the biggest barrier to the field:  work. 

As scary as it was, this week has opened the door for so many amazing conversations.  I'm able to freely share where I'm going, and, most importantly, why I'm going.   One of my biggest prayers before telling work was that this would inspire people.  I was praying that it would encourage believers, and open conversations up about the gospel.  

God has proved faithful yet again.

It literally blows my mind to think back on what this week has been like. Not only have I been encouraged to see how many brothers and sisters I have at work, but it's provided renewed energy for those brothers and sisters as well! It's so amazing to see how God is already using this mission here in the local community of believers.

On top of that, I've had several people tell me they want nothing more than to get to support me financially in this.  I'd prayed for a few people to give, but God has overwhelemed me.  I am truly blessed to have been there for these past 11 months, and I'm going to miss them all so much! 

On top of all of this, I had a great conversation with a stranger at the Farmer's Market today.  I've seen  him studying the Word most Saturday's, but just felt like I should say hello.  He gave me a lot of wisdom and resources to look into to help prepare for this fall.  God provided another person that I know will be faithfully praying for me!

There are so many opportunities to see how God provides for His children.  I pray that we are able to see that provision, even with all the crazy things going on in our world.  It's so important to remember how faithful He is, and how much He cares for every single detail in our life! 

 I love that I get to serve and surrender my life to Him :)


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