First week!

Sunday Update - 

Hello world! I made it safely to Fiji in case you were wondering :)
Traveling here wasn't too crazy - a bit stressful at times, and we were all crazy sleepy.  But we survived! It was so surreal getting out of the airport and driving around.  I can't believe I am finally here!!

Things were a bit overwhelming on the first day here.  There was a lot of great information that we went over, just in regards to the Fijian culture and how we should act/behave/what to expect/etc.  The bunkhouses we are staying in are pretty nice! I am very thankful we have these conditions, especially when I think about what other teams are living in. 

When I was making my bed, I was greeted by a huge cane spider........that was pretty painful and scary.  Turns out there were two just chillin under my bed. I think the bugs/spiders are the hardest part so far! I'm pretty much a girly girl when it comes to those things, so that's definetly been hard....haha BUT I have killed more spiders in this past day then I think I have my whole life. I'm basically going to be a pro by the time I get home - y'all will be so proud :)

Church was pretty amazing on Sunday! It was super small (our group made it seem much larger than it was), but the pastors message was just awesome. He went through every verse in both Psalm 81 for bible study, and the section in Romans 15.  It was such a simple way to deliver the message, but it was so amazing to see the way God revealed these things to him. 

Here are a few of the main points that I really loved, so I thought I'd share :)
- Even if our attempts aren't perfect, its OK because God knows your heart, your true motive and intention.  This was great to hear and remember - as I face new things this summer, it will be so freeing to know that if my heart is in the right place, wanting to glorify God, He will be pleased - no matter if I fail or not!
- "This time is not mine, it is His!" This opened my heart and mind to really just keep focused on not putting my wants and needs and fears and desires before the Lords.  I want to constantly remember that nothing in my life is mine - it all belongs to Him.  Its the only thing I have to offer, and I want to submit it to Him!
- We must constantly be realigning ourself with Gods will.  When we aren't on track, its us that need to realign.  God is holy and perfect and never-changing.  We are the ones moving away from Him.
- There is only one Christian that is acceptable to God.  That doesn't include those who claim Christianity for social or cultural reasons.  Everyone will still have to answer to the Lord for their sins, and those claiming Christianity without the true born again, heart change won't be able to stand up. 

The past two days of work on the farm and in the community have been a lot of fun.  Monday was a lot of hard work; we were all out in the field for the day! I got to dig holes and fill them with chicken manure...and I actually felt amazing about it! It was just empowering for some reason - knowing that I can do these things when I've never felt like I could handle them. I've grown up to believe those are things I just shouldn't do, leave them to the guys to take care of or that I just wasn't physically or mentally capable to do things on my own. So I really enjoyed doing it, knowing that God was pushing me and enabling me to get through it :)
We were able to teach a bible scripture class in the morning, followed by a tutoring session at Loloma House.  I was nervous about them both - I'm a crazy organizer and planner and like to have things perfect. I was confused on directions/what was expected, and I hate letting people down so that made me anxious.  The devil is definetly attacking me on that front over these past few days.  He wants me to compare myself to others, work for the glorification of my own strength and skills, and is making me believe I'm not qualified be here at all - I've never been in these situations before so its easy to believe those lies.
BUT I was in prayer throughout preparation and during the events, asking God to just humble me and make me trust in His strength and His Spirit to move on our team.  God is so good :) I am just in awe and so thankful for the people God has brought on this trip! We all have our own skills and strengths, and it has been such a blessing to see how individuals just shine in certain areas.  God has gifted them each in certain ways, and they're coming together so perfectly for the assignments we have had so far.  

Praises and Prayers
- The scenery is so beautiful out here.  Its just amazing to be in this place and see how beautiful Gods earth and creation is! This is the reason I want to visit so many places - to see His creation and beauty in this world and how it all brings glory to Him :)
- Praise for the community I have here in Fiji already.  This team and the long-termers are just a blessing in this whole experience.
- Please pray for the whole food/health things for me! I am having to eat a lot of foods that I normally would avoid at home, and the first few days were especially hard.  Stomach pains and nausea aren't super fun to have in such a beautiful place like this!
- Pray for healing and trust in Gods faithfulness and love for me.  The wounds God showed me over Orientation are just really starting to make me anxious and I want to seek the promises God has made, not the lies Satan would have me believe. 


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