Past the Possible
Before moving to England last year, I felt the Lord tell me that this year would be one of being fearless. As I said in a previous post, this year has been all about discovering what it feels like to walk as a courageous, bold, fearless daughter of the King.
And it's led to some amazing things. I've said yes to things I've never thought I could. I've visited several different countries, met some super cool people, and saw God work in mighty ways.
As I was worshipping this afternoon, these words came to mind:
Believe Past the Possible
It made me stop and meditate on what that means, and what it would look like to live out loud.
If I'm to believe past the possible, it means I'm supposed to believe for things that I would consider impossible. So what do I have going on that seems impossible? What would I like to see happen that just seems completely unreasonable?
And what in the world does it mean to believe PAST that impossibility?
As I was thinking through this, I stopped to take a break and finish up some of my daily readings. Today's reading contained Ezekiel 37: 'The Valley of Dry Bones."
In this story, Ezekiel is faced with what seems like an impossible, out of this world task. The Lord tells him to prophecy LIFE into this valley of dead, dry, cracked old bones. I hope I'm not the only one when I say that if God asked me to do this, I would respond with a something like:
"Are you crazy? Simply speaking to some old bones and
blowing some wind over them isn't going to magically make them come alive.
....Did you take your pills today...?"
Instead, Ezekiel simply obeyed 'as {he} was commanded.'
No questions. No crazy talk.
Just obedience. Just Faith.
Just Belief.
How would you have responded? Would you have looked at this seemingly impossible, out of this word task, and just said no? Or perhaps you would have asked some questions and sought some practicalities out first?
I want a faith like Ezekiel.
I want to not ask questions when He tells me to do something. Not because I want to blindly follow Him, but because, as Ezekiel says, "O Lord God, you know."
What is it in your life that just seems impossible?
What addiction do you desire to be set free from?
What relationship needs to be healed and transformed?
What illness do you or a loved one have that the doctors deem 'incurable'?
Who in your life do you long for to submit their lives and hearts to Jesus?
This year, my motto will be 'believe past the possible.'
I am praying that I get to see Him work in what seems like impossible situations.
I want to see people healed: mentally & physically. I want to see people set free from addictions.
I want to see the Spirit break down every wall, barrier, and
chain that holds people down from following Him.
I want to see my family member's passionately pursue Jesus.
I saw the Lord work wonders last year as He asked me to step out and be fearless. I am beyond excited to see what He does as I seek His glory by refusing to see things as 'impossible.'
After all, it's Jesus who declared:
"Here now, you fill my heart with faith for more
believing past the possible -
it's nothing for you."
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