Truth in Pain
The world is hurting.
The world is truly in pain.
I don't think there would be anyone who disagrees with that. Pro-Brexit or against it; Pro-Trump or Pro-Clinton; Christian or Muslim; Pro-Life or Pro-Choice.
Our world is experiencing pain of dissension, lost lives, arguments and heartache. All of this pain can be too much.
For those short hours, I didn't have to feel.
For those few hours, I could ignore the fact that I couldn't hear God speaking or guiding me.
For those brief hours, I could forget about the bombings and hate and craziness of this world.
But then it ended and I'd go back to feeling depressed with a sense of hopelessness. All I wanted was to hear from Him; to feel His comfort and tender reassurances that He was in control. And I got nothing....
The updates on the state of the world continued. They were a constant reminder that people were experiencing pain all over the world, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
I felt so much shame and guilt and fear about the way I was reacting to my own pain. I finally reached out to someone for help because I didn't want it to continue. I knew in my heart that it wasn't the road I wanted to go back down.
This person helped to show that it's our pain that fuels our responses. These responses are messages that need to be addressed. The way I handle my pain isn't the issue. The way I respond to that pain is only the surface issue pointing to something much, much deeper.
It's like when you get sick. You have this symptom, say a high fever and sore throat, that makes you visit the doctor. The high fever and sore throat aren't the root issue - they point to something being wrong internally with your body that needs to be addressed.

The problem in our world today isn't just corrupt politics, a lack of value on human life, fighting amongst religions, etc. Those ares simply symptoms of a bigger problem.
And the beautiful thing is, God's healing power is available to each and every point of pain in my life, your life, and the world's. God's already provided the only solution we ever need - and it NEVER runs out.
When Jesus, God's one and only Son, gave up His life freely on that cross over 2,000 years ago, it provided a way for this world and the people in it to experience complete healing from the true problem - our sin which separates us from a perfect, holy God.
At the end of the day, I know my responses to my pain aren't going to solve it. My pain goes much, much deeper than what is outwardly going on. My pain rests in not believing the full truth of who I am in Christ.
At the end of the day, the world's responses to pain aren't going to solve it either. The pain in this world goes much, much deeper than what we see on TV. The world's pain is a result of sin that separates us from our heavenly Creator and Father.
Whatever you're facing, I pray you realise the pain is simply being used by your Heavenly Father to show you that there is a truth waiting to be realised. There is healing available for FREE for your pain. You don't have to do a thing except simply believe and trust that your pain means you need help, and that Jesus is the only solution - the perfect medicine - to heal that pain.
Listen to your pain my friend.
Let that pain be a megaphone in which God can speak true healing into your life.
{In the fall you were there
Grace began before I was aware
The shame too great for me to hide
Covered now because of Jesus Christ}
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