The Dream
At a young age, we are often asked what we want to be when we grow up. We are asked to dream big, to set these big goals and aspirations for ourselves. We are told that nothing can stop us from accomplishing that dream that we have, except for ourselves. We are the only thing standing in the way.
I agree that we are the only thing standing in the way. We are the ones setting the goal, doing whatever it takes to accomplish it. We have the control to see if that dream is going to happen or not.
BUT (and it's a big but...), I think we are dreaming about the wrong things.
In America at least, the focus of our dream is on gaining something for ourselves, whether that is a certain status, owning a home, getting married, having a certain salary, etc. Our culture's dreams center around ourselves - the universe revolves around us, and everything we do should focus on satisfying us and making ourselves bigger and better .

This isn't saying that you can't do that - if God gives you the resources to make those dreams happen, GO FOR IT! That is a pure gift from our Father that we should love and appreciate and thank Him for. He has given us that desire, and it glorifies Him if we listen and obey that call.
But what if our dream was something more than this? What if our dreams stopped being focused on ourselves and what we want out of life? What would it look like if we stepped out of the way for once?
What would your life look like if your dream went from self, to God centered? What if your dream was to see His name praised throughout your community, country, or the world? What if your dream changed to allow for God to do whatever He wanted to through your life? You didn't have any qualifications, any demands, any expectations for personal gain.
You just told Him that you wanted your dream to be His.
You want your dream for life to align with His.
If you could envision saying this, believing this, submitting to this dream instead, how do you think your life would change? Do you think it would be easier or harder? Do you think you would succeed or fail? Could you look back on your life and visually see this dream being accomplished?
I've been here. I have been in that moment, looking over the plans for my life, thinking about everything I had to do to accomplish those self-centered dreams. Steps and milestones that I could reach to make me feel like I was finally living that dream - degrees, pay raises, new cars, etc.
If' I'm honest, they've never brought me real joy. Maybe for a few moments, but then it's always on to the next thing I want to work hard to accomplish. I think if you're honest too, your dreams haven't brought you real joy either - I'm betting they have left you wanting - searching for something MORE, something BIGGER to dream about.
God's dream for us is much, much more than this. When we submit our 'dream' to Him, when we submit our lives, we don't have to worry about failure. We don't have to be scared that we aren't going to reach that dream and that others will be judging us because of that failure. We don't have to worry about failing at being the center of our universe.
When your dream is that God has authority over your dream, you will never fail. You will never have to worry what others say and think about your life, or how they view your 'success.'
Because the Lord promises that if we submit our will to Him, He will make our paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6). He promises that it's hard, but He promises to never leave our side (Matthew 7:14, Deut. 31:6). He promises to give us all wisdom we need to do His will (James 1:5). He promises to equip us for every work which He has prepared beforehand for us (2 Timothy 3:17).

I challenge you to rethink your dreams and goals. Rethink the reasoning behind that dream, and see who and what is really at the center of your dream.
Think about what life might look like for you if God became the center. Now, instead of just saying that's true, what would happen if you actually lived it out??
God doesn't promise us that following His dream won't come without suffering and persecution, but He does tell us it is worth it (Romans 8:17-18). He provides joy in our hearts, sustained joy, when we choose to submit our dream to Him.
Brother and sister, submit your dream. This doesn't mean give up the dream you already have, but submit it instead to the Lord. Give away the selfish reasons behind that dream and give it over to the Lord, allowing Him to be fully glorified in all that you do, and all that you dream.
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