
It wasn't until I received an email from a dear friend that I realized it was actually out of a place of fear and insecurity that I chose to do anything but sit down and put into words what's been happening in my life. This past year has brought about more change than I ever could imagine. I'm still in a process of grieving having to leave the field, yet also rejoicing that the Lord brought me back here so I could meet my forever best friend.

Yet there are also days when I want nothing more than to build the deepest roots possible here. I love our church and the family we have found in them. It's so precious to be close to our nieces and nephews as they grow up. I love knowing that our future kids will be surrounded and mentored by the most amazing girls and boys at our church.
As much as my heart likes to roam,
it loves to nest, too.
I want a passport full of stamps,
and a home to rest my head in each night.
Before being married, I could do whatever I wanted. When the itch came to go somewhere new or visit some other place on a spur of the moment, I just did it. I could hang out with my girlfriends at the drop of a text. I could spend and save money how I saw fit. I was able to decorate my space in a way that gave me the most peace.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that these past few months, and last year of moving back to the States is still hard. I didn't want to share any of that as I was fearful of how others would take that...fearful of how people have already taken it. This blog started as a way for me to document life overseas - from my time in Fiji over four years ago, to raising support, all the lessons in England, and transitioning back to the States.
My identity used to be the single, free-spirited missions minded girl. I loved being that girl...but I'm even more excited to be a married, free-spirited woman. My mission field is no longer overseas. My mission field is first and foremost to my amazing husband and our family. I don't think I've ever learned so much about God's love as I have these past several months with Mark. I also don't feel like I've ever touched someone's life as much as I have Mark's.
And that truth sets my heart aflutter in ways this world just simply can't.
I'm slowly learning to thank the Lord for all of the feels :)
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