A Good Friday Letter to Mercy
This is a bit different than my normal posts. I just had a really, really sweet story time with my 3.5 year old niece.
So, I write these notes to her and Imogen (my 1 year old niece) to give to them when they are older, or if the Lord calls me home before then. I pray it brings encouragement to your own heart and soul as you read as well.
Oh man Mercy - I just had a ridiculously sweet moment with you. Your mom and dad are at an elder meeting tonight, so I got to watch you and Bim. Today's Good Friday, and I wanted to read you the story of Jesus' death - you were a bit sad my Bible didn't have pictures, but quickly got over it. As I was reading the story, you asked SO many questions!! What's sour wine? Why was Jesus thirsty? Where did they nail him again? Was he actually dead? How did he get out of that tomb?
My favorite question came as I was explaining how He took away all of our sin and shame. You looked at me with those big blue eyes, and asked, "What is shame?"
Man, you made my heart stop. As I tried to think about how to explain it in in simple terms, the Lord opened my eyes to something - we don't grow up always knowing about shame. We don't grow up naturally feeling that. There hasn't been a moment in your life when you've really felt shame.
My prayer for you sweet Mercy is that you don't ever let shame enter your mind. I pray you never have to experience those effects of shame.
But even if (more likely, when) you do, I pray you look to Jesus. I pray you look to that old rugged cross and remember the beautiful words Christ said as He breathed His last:
That means you don't need to feel that shame. Whatever sin you've committed, whatever guilt or fears you feel, remember those words. God took every single ounce of sin and shame and guilt from you on that cross. He knew what He was purchasing when He saw you - when He saw EVERY moment of your life.

And He took it all.
What an amazing Father, brother, friend, lover and rescuer we have in Jesus. I pray you give your life to Him. I pray you surrender it all - your hopes, dreams, guilt, shame - and lay it at the foot of the cross where it belongs.
I know it's not easy. I struggle daily with this. Yet through it all, I am reminded of God's love and care for me. He gives us a beautiful headdress for our ashes. He keeps every tear we cry.
It all matters to Him.
So as much as I pray you never personally feel shame, I pray even more that you never forget the power of the beautiful, old rugged cross.
I love you Mercy Boyce. You encourage my soul and bring happiness to my heart. You are a true good and perfect gift from above.
So, I write these notes to her and Imogen (my 1 year old niece) to give to them when they are older, or if the Lord calls me home before then. I pray it brings encouragement to your own heart and soul as you read as well.

My favorite question came as I was explaining how He took away all of our sin and shame. You looked at me with those big blue eyes, and asked, "What is shame?"

My prayer for you sweet Mercy is that you don't ever let shame enter your mind. I pray you never have to experience those effects of shame.
But even if (more likely, when) you do, I pray you look to Jesus. I pray you look to that old rugged cross and remember the beautiful words Christ said as He breathed His last:
That means you don't need to feel that shame. Whatever sin you've committed, whatever guilt or fears you feel, remember those words. God took every single ounce of sin and shame and guilt from you on that cross. He knew what He was purchasing when He saw you - when He saw EVERY moment of your life.

And He took it all.
What an amazing Father, brother, friend, lover and rescuer we have in Jesus. I pray you give your life to Him. I pray you surrender it all - your hopes, dreams, guilt, shame - and lay it at the foot of the cross where it belongs.
I know it's not easy. I struggle daily with this. Yet through it all, I am reminded of God's love and care for me. He gives us a beautiful headdress for our ashes. He keeps every tear we cry.
It all matters to Him.
So as much as I pray you never personally feel shame, I pray even more that you never forget the power of the beautiful, old rugged cross.
I love you Mercy Boyce. You encourage my soul and bring happiness to my heart. You are a true good and perfect gift from above.
Love always,
Auntie Allie
Beautifully written. Thank you for sharing.