God is so Faithful!

Have I mentioned before how amazing and faithful God is?!?

He just continually blows my mind with how gracious and loving He is to me - a lowly sinner with an ugly, undeserving heart.  I've learned though that God loves glorifying himself through us! It's a crazy reminder that apart from Him, we really can't do anything.

So many things have proven this to me this week.  I guess the biggest thing is that I accepted my first full-time job!! In less than a week from getting back from Fiji, God opened the door to this amazing position with a group of people who I am actually excited to get to know and work with.  The company is so wonderful, and I'm just beyond blessed with how quickly and easily this fell into place.  I've had such peace about it the whole time, more proof that He is behind it all.  My prayer is that I'm able to glorify Him in this position in all I do - work, relationships, etc.

Also, I have been talking with some people about some other possibilities in the future, and I got to Skype with them this morning.  I won't go into details or specifics yet as I'm still praying about it, but that sense of peace I mentioned having in Fiji is what I feel about this.  God is opening the doors, and I'm just praying continuously that my will be aligned with His!

Last night, I had a scary encounter with someone at the house - Yet I never doubted or worried that I wasn't safe.  My heart was racing and I was a bit shaky, but I was in prayer the whole time.  God gave me the ability to stay calm and not say anything that would upset this person even more. Once everyone left and I was by myself again, that fear and anxiousness started to creep in again - it was in that moment that I felt the Spirit completely wash over me.  He calmed my soul and let me know that He cared for me and watches over me always.

I write all these things down not to bring any praise to myself or my accomplishments, in work or in my faith.  Its all so that others can see how living and active our Father is!! I pray we are able to recognize Him in these moments in our every day, ordinary life.  Create that space for Him to move and be active in your life, and He will blow your mind :)

"Thus says the Lord : “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the mighty man boast in his might, let not the rich man boast in his riches, but let him who boasts boast in this, that he understands and knows me, that I am the Lord who practices steadfast love, justice, and righteousness in the earth. For in these things I delight, declares the Lord .”

Jeremiah 9:23-24


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