What Does the Ripple Effect of Grace Mean?

It felt like Christmas checking the mail today: my goodies from Pioneers are here!! There are lots of resources for the trip, and I am excited to see what new things I can learn as I continue to prepare for this adventure :) 

When I was creating this blog, I had no idea what to call it.  People get so creative with these things, and I felt very "uncreative" at that moment.  I just finished reading "Finish the Mission," which is an AWESOME read if you have the time to check it out, and there was one quote that started me on a whole new train of thought with missionary work:

"There is a ripple effect to the gospel that’s inevitable. There’s a ripple effect to true grace. It doesn’t lead us to only sit and contemplate what happened to us. It leads us to proclaim what’s happened to us—and what can happen to anybody and everybody on the planet. " - Louie Giglio

When people ask me why I am going on a mission trip, I try so hard to explain what Louie Giglio said so eloquently.  My life has been completely transformed by hearing the message of the gospel.  I want others to hear that message.  I want them to experience the gift of grace.  It has had a true ripple effect into every aspect of my life.  

An easy area to see this ripple effect play out concerns the area of social injustices.  People are learning about human trafficking and speaking out about it.  People are fighting against abortion - fighting to save human lives.  People want to end wars and stop fighting.  But I don't think any of this can truly be achieved without changing the hearts of people first.

Take the people in Fiji for example.  Selling and renting out children to tourists to use as they please is a normal occurrence.  We could focus on just imprisoning the people responsible (which, obviously we should ALWAYS fight for...).  But new people will continue to pop up and take control.  If we get to share the good news with these people though, their entire life will be changed.  They won't go back to buying women and children for their own uses.  They will stop putting making money over everything else - including human lives.  When they experience the love and freedom in Christ Jesus, they will be new disciples that God will use to change others lives.  

God has showered me with grace.  He forgives me and continues to love me despite the fact that I fail him every single day.  I don't put him first in every aspect of my life.  I struggle with fears and doubts.  I don't always trust him with my future.  I prefer to have control and know what is coming, and I think I know what is best for my life (even though I truly have no idea what I need). But he continues to love me.  He forgives me because when he looks at me, he sees his son, who died in my place and rose from the dead and is always interceding on my behalf.  (Hebrews 7:25)

THAT is the message I want to spread.  Because God has given me grace, I want to show others that grace.  Who will then be able to share this grace and gospel message with others.  And so on and so on.  As Paul said to Timothy - 

"You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." 2 Timothy 2:1-2

Will you help spread this message of grace and love and mercy with me?  Will you entrust your prayers and donations to allow the Spirit to work through me to teach others?  I can't do this on my own.  I trust that God will work through each and every one of you to help spread his message of grace to others.  

Praises/Prayers/Financial Support

  • I had an AMAZING donation pledged for this trip from a great friend I met in Richmond.  We took the Financial Peace Class together last summer, and she reminded me that our money isn't ours: it belongs to the Lord.  I was in tears after she told me, not only because of her generosity, but because I saw the Lord working through her.  Every impact I am able to make in Fiji will be credited to your support as well! THANK YOU!!! :)
  • Continue to pray for the people in Fiji who our team will get to interact with.  Pray that they are open to experience this gift of grace!
  • Pray for the long-term missionaries already in Fiji - spritually, mentally, and financially. 
  • I just started the Perspectives class last night, and I pray that the Lord uses it to teach me more about the Great Commission.
  • Pray that fears I have surrounding missions work, especially long-term, will be addressed and hopefully fully removed so I can serve the Lord faithfully!

-  The trip itself costs $4900, and this will include our orientation, lodging, food, and airfare to and from Fiji.  However, I will also need to travel to Florida for the orientation, which is looking to be around another $250 for airfare. Will you consider being a financial support team-member?  There are two ways you can donate:
  • Send your donations directly to Pioneers using the support slip, which can be found here.
  • Give online at www.pioneers.org/give/missionary using my account #175146.  Please note there is a 3% deduction from your donation amount if you use a credit/debit card.  There is no service charge when using an e-check option!

I'll leave you with one of my new favorite songs since I started thinking about the ripple effect of God's grace.  Thank you for your continued support!! :)  


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